1-888-833-4247 | Open Mon. - Fri. 9:30AM - 3:00PM PST
Free Shipping Above CA$100
Returns or exchanges are accepted for unopened products within 30 days from the date of purchase.
If you change your mind and decide you no longer want a product, or wish to exchange it for another one, please return it to the following address along with your invoice and a brief note within 30 days of the purchase date.
Product Returns
1540 Rand Ave.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6P 3G2
When you return the products please keep these important points in mind:
Please securely pack your return shipment, use registered mail or a trackable shipping method, and prepay the shipping cost. We will process your return/exchange within 2 business days after we receive and inspect the item. If applicable, we will issue a credit to your original credit card or PayPal account (for credit card or PayPal orders) or send you a check (for orders paid by check or money order). If your account is not credited within a reasonable time, please contact our customer service department.
Although your order may be shipped from our third-party partner, any returns or exchanges should be sent directly to us.
Damaged, Undeliverable, Unclaimed or Refused Packages
In the case of damages, deficiencies or any product issue, please contact our customer service department within 24 hours of the receipt of your order.
If your package is undeliverable due to incorrect address, unclaimed or refused, it will be returned or abandoned. It is customer's responsibility for the charges occur, including the original shipping and return shipping cost, and/or tax and/or other charges.